Our beliefs can be categorized as Christian, Protestant, Evangelical, Reformed, and Baptist.
Statement of Faith: Our statement of faith is the 1853 New Hampshire Baptist Confession, which we first adopted in 1856. The Bible is the final word for all of our beliefs and practices, and this statement gives an overview of our understanding of what the Bible teaches.
Other Clarifying Documents: Certain other documents also help clarify what we teach. The preaching from our pulpit is in conscious, intentional agreement with the Second London Baptist Confession of 1689 (2LCF). As a member church in the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals (FIRE), we also affirm the FIRE Common Confession and the FIRE Position Statements.
Most Important: The central focus of our beliefs is the gospel—the good news that Jesus Christ saves sinners. Listen to the video below to learn more about this good news. Please contact us if you would like to talk to someone about your personal spiritual situation.